
Krug Champagne Grande Cuvée Brut 171éme Édition 12,5% 0,75l (čistá fľaša)

Úvod Víno Biele víno - šumivé Francúzsko ChampagneKrug Champagne Grande Cuvée Brut 171éme Édition 12,5% 0,75l (čistá fľaša)

Krug Champagne Grande Cuvée Brut 171éme Édition 12,5% 0,75l (čistá fľaša)

farba: biele

druh: šumivé

odrody: 45% Pinot Noir, 37%, Chardonnay,  18% Pinot Meunier

oblasť: Champagne

James Suckling: 99/100

Výrobca: Krug
Dostupnosť: skladom
Kúpou tohto produktu získate 252 bodov.
205,- € bez DPH 252,15 € s DPH
Do košíka

Krug Champagne Grande Cuvée Brut 171éme Édition 12,5% 0,75l (čistá fľaša)

James Suckling: The tightness and tension of this is impressive considering the youngest wine from this is 2015 (hot and dry year), with some wines going back to 2000. Ginger and orange zest. Some creme brulee. It's medium-bodied with apple, pie crust and floral character. It's salty and zesty yet, at the same time, complex and gorgeous. Chamomile and other floral teas highlight everything. Turns rich and flavorful at the finish. Terrific release. Really takes off at the end.

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